
Moorgate History Part 2


Our History Part 1

From enthusiasm and a love of music

Some customers from our Facebook group have enquired about our origins and it has recently been a time of reflection for me so I started to give thought and write some of it down. I hope it is interesting to you but of course if not....scroll on!

Moorgate Acoustics was started by Keith Hobson in 1981. My dad was an engineer by trade and his passion was music. He discovered that a decent system allowed him greater enjoyment of music.

Keith was an engineer by trade. But after twenty or so years grafting he wanted to try and do something that involved his passion. He answered an advert for a salesperson to sell 8-Track cassette players placed by a company called Diesel Electric in Sheffield.  He got the job and spent a few years on the road selling 8-Tracks. Diesel Electric then offered him the opportunity to manage a new hi-fi store they were opening on Barclay Precinct in Sheffield. Sound 70's was born.

Sound 70's was primarily a JVC centre but back then JVC was a very different beast to what it became. This was before stack and mini systems and home cinema and JVC had a good reputation for reasonably affordable hi-fi. Their JAS-11 integrated amplifier was the NAD 3020 of its time. They also made decent turntables and even some passable loudspeakers. 

Keith wanted to add products that could offer even better performance and took on loudspeaker brands Like Tangent, Tannoy, Allison and Acoustic Research. At this time Hi-Fi was a very high priority for most people and the High Street had Laskeys, which acted as a window to introduce people to better quality equipment. People out doing their weekly shop could see equipment which we would consider to be high fidelity. Brands like Mission, Quad and many others were "visible". Hi-fi is no longer visible on the High Street and has suffered as a result

There were some good years at Sound 70's but as time passed Diesel Electric decided to introduce in-car products. Keith felt this was a mistake and told them so. He felt he was somewhat at loggerheads with the owners as to how the business should be run and could not explore his ideas or add some of the better brands that he was interested in selling. As the 70's became the 80's, Diesel Electric wound the business up and made him redundant.

Keith thought long and hard about what he wanted to do and decided that he would do some research and look into opening his own Hi-Fi shop. This became a reality when Moorgate Acoustics opened its doors in 1981.

Moorgate opened in Rotherham at the foot of Ship Hill. He called it Moorgate Acoustics because it was close to Moorgate, the area where the solicitors offices were based. He would have preferred to open in Sheffield , however at the time suppliers were in the habit of only supplying one or two retailers in each city. Sheffield had four hi-fi shops and as a result Keith realised he would be unable to get the agencies he wanted for the products he hoped to sell and so Rotherham, a nearby satellite town was chosen.

Moorgate started with the better Japanese brands and a fairly wide range of loudspeakers, mostly from British manufacturers. Electronics from JVC, Sansui, Pioneer and Denon and loudspeakers from AR, Castle, Wharfedale, Mordaunt-Short and Celestion. There were some video recorders and some televisions too. The store also sold cassettes, cables of all kinds and styli. These items represented a huge part of the company's business.

Keith brought one member of staff with him from the Sound 70's days. His name was Robert Iwan.

The early 80's was the time of the comparator. This was a device that enabled a very wide range of equipment to be plugged in at once. Very quickly we could show people what a record player sounded like played through half a dozen amplifiers and through just as many speakers. This was before the time of single speaker demonstrations. Now we'd frown at the use of a comparator but back then it was considered the best way to choose a component.

Keith also found that many of the suppliers he particularly wanted to stock were unwilling to supply a new business. The business was untested and he wasn’t well known. This changed once the company had a few years trading under its belt. Business was steady and was growing in a sustainable and manageable manner. I should point out that my dad is a quiet man and not a typical salesman by any means. But his experiences as a customer, his time spent visiting other shops and hi-fi shows and the mistakes he'd seen made at Sound 70's gave him a lot of perspective and ideas. He was able to put these into practice and first amongst them was a customer-centric approach. He wanted customers to be happy with their purchase and he wanted them to come back when they were ready to purchase more equipment. He had been a hi-fi enthusiast first so he pinched the ideas of shops he liked and felt comfortable in and determined to do things differently than the shops he didn’t like.

A lot of hard work led to a bit of success and that drew the interest of the sort of brands that Keith wanted. Out went the video recorders and TV's and the small Bang & Olufsen range. Slowly the focus of the shop changed towards British and European products. Quad, Thorens, Logic, Roksan, Pink Triangle, Cambridge (before it became the Richer Sounds brand), Elite Townshend and others.

Moorgate was also invited to join Hi-Fi Markets. This was quite a big deal at the time because they handled a lot of brands including NAD and Dual. Around that time those two brands made up about 80% of decent starter audio systems. The Dual CS505, Nad 3020 amplifier and a pair of speakers was a fantastic introduction to high quality audio and on a relatively small budget. We used to be allocated 30 NAD 3020 amps a month and they'd tend to sell out around the middle of the third week of the month. That meant that likely 10 of the next delivery would be immediately sold.

I was just about entering the lower sixth form at school and my dad asked me to write to a number of brands who had remained elusive. I wrote to Linn, Rega, Naim Audio, Meridian, Nytech and Nakamichi. I think the only positive reply was Nakamichi at that point but we both hoped that in time this would change.

I also joined the company after the first year, working on Saturdays and sometimes filling in for staff holidays/illness. My job was to make tea, hoover and to run stock up and down the stairs as required. I had an extremely poor relationship with Robert and he would frequently box my ears or trip me up. We once had a scrap on the shop floor (fortunately there were no customers in the store at the time). We were at first worthy adversaries and ultimately good friends. He still calls in the store now and again. He introduced me to The Rolling Stones (I only knew the obvious hits) for which I will be forever grateful.

Moorgate becomes more established

At the foot of Ship Hill the market was starting to change. The first was the arrival of CDs. This was extremely significant for a number of reasons. The first was that it handed a lot of power and business back to the Japanese companies who were the first to adopt the technology and make affordable products. Prior to this the turntable was king as a source and almost all the best turntables were British, European or American. The Japanese had produced some decent models (Pioneer, Trio, Sansui etc) but most of these were thrashed to death by the Dual, which quickly became the only seriously affordable budget turntable to consider. CD shifted the balance back to the land of the rising sun.

The second thing of real note was the market impact of certain brands and some of their ideas about how their products should be sold. Linn, Rega and Naim Audio all promoted the philosophy of the importance of the front end, the importance of set up and the vital importance of good comparative demonstration. A kind of demonstration that was not served by a comparator but one that was only served by proper comparative demonstration in a demonstration room. Even though we were not selling these brands, they still had a real impact on the market. My dad was forward thinking and we wanted to ensure that Moorgate reflected changes that were taking place in the market.

Around this time (1986) we were approached by BADA, the British Audio Retailers Association. We were recommended to them by Doug Brady Hi-Fi in Warrington. Doug was something of a legend in specialist retail and must have had a good impression of us. In any event we talked with BADA, talked with some of their other retail members and decided that we really did want to up our game.

We were customer orientated and wanted to continue to provide an environment where people felt they could call in, have a coffee and catch up. We wanted to be welcoming and inclusive and were aware that many hi-fi shops were somewhat stuffy and exclusive.

We built our first demonstration room and even before it was opened to customers we could see a huge increase in performance from almost all products we listened to. This confirmed that we’d done the right thing. Most customers were on board with this the moment they sat down in a room that resembled their own.

Our budget systems really came alive and our better higher-end products started to really sound amazing. We also discovered and could understand that the comparator used to push the sales of products which made an "immediate impression" whereas the demonstration room would sell products which seduced rather than impressed. We saw that we had a very powerful demonstration tool that would help us sell and help our customers make better choices. We had far less returns too.

Statistically when a customer has a demonstration in a decent environment, they are far more likely to find a product they like and make a purchase. Our demo rooms were not designed to be "perfect" and we never utilised acousticians. As a matter of fact Keith thought that doing so would be dishonest. We've always maintained (and still do) that it isn't rocket science to get a good sound in the average room. And we've learned how to help if we don't get the result we expect. This is mostly experience and common sense.

The cost we invested in building that demo room was returned within months. Our customers were happier and differences between equipment were easier to hear. People would say they were surprised at how clear these differences were and pleased with themselves that their ears were good enough to show them what was best. It gave them confidence in their own ears. We’ve always championed that your ears are the only ones that matter. Be confident in your own abilities and hearing. Don't let anyone tell you they know better. Plenty will try and some manufacturers and retailers have made a career out of it.

The demo room became fundamental in helping us choose the brands we thought sounded best. Some still kept their distance because we were new and untested. Quad & Musical Fidelity were among the first (we were recommended by Doug Brady). Meridian and many others followed.

I'd like to return to CD for a moment. When we first started investigating CD players, none of us particularly liked them. We felt they didn't sound as good as a decent record player. They were "bright" and aggressive. Despite this they were massively popular; the format was sexy and high tech and the technology press went ape for it. People were seduced by the marketing and the promise of "perfect sound that will last forever". It really was an incredibly powerful marketing exercise that attracted the sort of people who didn't generally own  hi-fi and as such had little to compare it to. Few owned or had experienced a decent record player. Those that had were more skeptical and sometimes scathing.

In time, CDs came of age. Specialist companies used the Phillips players that were the best (at the time) to design and build their own players around. Cambridge, Mission and Meridian were probably the first but many more followed. They were modified Phillips machines but they showed that the technology could work. Even Linn, who placed adverts asking "Is this a lemon?" soon produced their own, so perhaps they answered their own question.

In any event it wasn’t too long before we could offer a CD player that was at least tolerable in audio terms. As a format it sold regardless of our dismay or delight in its performance. And for every great product there were plenty that were pretty average, good enough to satisfy folk who really weren't used to good quality sound. But it taught us again that our role was to be selective about what we stocked. Customers came to us for advice and we realised we would stand or fall by the caliber of that advice and the products we sold. So we wanted the best range rather than the biggest. Our range was good but it was a work in progress.

More to follow


Hegel H400

The Streamliner

H400 integrated amplifier replaces the extremely capable H390. It offers some tech trickled down from the H600 flagship too.

The Hegel H400 amplifier delivers 250W of power into 8 ohms and this will drive any loudspeaker with ease. It also has a high damping factor, ensuring tight control and dynamic sound.s dual mono construction and symmetrical layout maintain signal purity, while SoundEngine 2 technology provides real-time distortion correction, resulting in clear, detailed, and powerful audio.


The H400 incorporates advanced features found in Hegel's reference models, such as a Dual Mono design, a robust streaming platform, and a high-quality DAC. These shared elements ensure that the H400 offers high-end sound quality and versatility.

Efficient Design and Build

Developed entirely in-house and under one roof, the H400 benefits from meticulous quality control and a cohesive design. This efficient approach ensures reliability, quick integration of new features, and a streamlined production process that enhances overall performance.

Environmentally Conscious

Constructed with durable materials, the H400 is designed for longevity with minimal maintenance. Its energy-efficient SoundEngine 2 technology and auto-standby feature reduce power consumption and environmental impact without sacrificing performance.

Streamlined Connectivity

The H400 offers a comprehensive range of analog and digital inputs, with features like automatic signal detection and TV remote functionality. This ensures seamless compatibility with various audio sources and simplifies user interaction.

Advanced Streaming and Multi-Room Audio

Supporting platforms like AirPlay, Spotify Connect, and Roon Ready, the H400 integrates easily with modern streaming services. The Hegel Control App provides additional control options, while multi-room audio capability allows synchronized playback across different spaces in your home.


Power Output:2 x 250W in 8 ohms, Dual Mono
Minimum Load:2 ohms
Analog Inputs:1 x Balanced (XLR), 2 x Unbalanced (RCA)
Digital Outputs:1 x Coaxial (BNC) S/PDIF - 24/192
Digital Inputs:1 x Coaxial (BNC) S/PDIF - 24/192, DSD64(DoP),MQA 8x1 x Coaxial (RCA) S/PDIF - 24/192,DSD64(DoP), MQA 8x3 x Optical S/PDIF - 24/96,MQA 8x 1 x USB - 32/384,DSD256(DoP),MQA 8x 1 x Network - 24/192, DSD64, MQA 8x
Line Level Outputs:1 x Unbalanced fixed (RCA), 1 x Unbalanced variable (RCA)
Streaming:Spotify Connect, Roon Ready, Tidal Connect, Google Cast, AirPlay, airable Internet Radio and Podcast, UPnP
Streaming Formats:MP3, WAV, FLAC, ALAC, AIFF, DSF, DFF, AAC, PCM, MQA, Ogg
Frequency Response:5Hz-180kHz
Signal-to-Noise Ratio:More than 100dB
Crosstalk:Less than -100dB
Distortion:Less than 0.005% @ 50W 8 Ohms 1kHz
Intermodulation:Less than 0.01% (19kHz + 20kHz)
Damping Factor:More than 4000 (main power output stage)
Dimensions/Weight:15cm x 43cm x 44cm (HxWxD), 20kg

Luphonic turntables arive

Luphonic went into business just before the Covid pandemic. There aim was to produce sonically excellent products with great design and cosmetic appeal.

Luphonic didn't want to produce similar designes but instead to rethink existing and proven concepts. Both in terms of form and materials. Everything is chosen for solid reasons and the tech remains a driving force behind each product. Innovative use of materials which are both sonically and visually rewarding.

We've just had our demo units arrive and we'll be getting them set up and then getting used to how they perform and what they work well with. In time we'll invite the distributor to come and preview them and we'll also add more information shortly.


Cyrus Launch 40 series

update - on demo from 5th of December 2024

The new 40 series from Cyrus has been launched today.

It features 4 new products and will be available in stores in November. The range is an integrated amplifier, a CD player, a streamer and an optional power supply.

We're hosting an event with Cyrus on the 1st of Novemeber to showcase these exciting new products.

All welcome.

40 AMP

Whether you are a digital or analogue fan, the 40 AMP is designed to provide the perfect partner for your preferred playback source. With 100 watts per channel into 6 ohms the 40 AMP is capable of driving most loudspeakers with ease and scale.

More info here;


Linn LP12 summer promotion

Running from June to August inclusive.

Linn have announced their summer LP12 upgrade promotion. It runs from the 1st June to the 31st of August and offers you significant savings if you upgrade your turntable.

If you purchase any Linn Sondek LP12 component, you will receive a 30% discount on any second upgrade you choose to buy at the same time. You can improve the performance of your turntable twice over, for a huge jump in musical enjoyment, and at great value.

You will receive a 30% discount on the lower value of the two items so, for instance, if you upgraded to a Kore subchassis; you'd be able to buy a Karousel bearing for 30% off the RRP.

Please contact us for more information or to discuss possible upgrade routes for your LP12 turntable.

Please contact us for more information or to discuss possible upgrade routes for your LP12 turntable.


In conversation with ............. Oliver Thomas from PMC

Oliver Thomas is the Commercial Director at PMC. With a wide reaching role that encompasses Products, technical and all things engineering, Ollie leads the technical teams of product development, R&D, Service, quality and production engineering. He also ensures that new products are released with the right message and strategies to make them successful.

In his own words "I like to make things, to create things. I always have. Whether those things are racing cars, electronics or speakers. The world of audio is full of wonderful and weird humans, and that is why I fit in here"

We caught up with Ollie virtually to ask him some questions about PMC, R&D and specifically the new Active Twenty5 series.

We're excited to get our hands on the new active Twenty5 range. We've had plenty of experience with active speakers over the years but it hasn't always been positive. My guess is it is very much down to the application. However we're seeing a trend towards reducing the box count without reducing the performance so this product is exciting to us. We're also huge fans of the Twenty5 series and we think it is genius that you're allowing active as a retrofit. Well done for that alone.
What was the motivation to produce an active version of the Twenty5 series?

As you can guess from the retrofit ability, we have been wanting to create an active version for the twenty5 series since the passive range was originally designed! As an Audio company building numerous active designs for the Professional studio market we have wanted to apply some of that technology in our HiFi products

What could PMC achieve her that they could not passively? What advantages do you feel "active" offers other than reduced box count?

Active crossovers can be more accurate, both in terms of the crossover knee shape and roll off gradient and phase relationship.

What does the development cycle of a product like this and how many people worked on it?

We had involvement from 4 key engineers on this project with a development schedule of 7 months. This project followed the same process as with all new products; Design concept, specification, development, preproduction & release testing, and product launch.
I enjoyed close involvement in the voicing stage, working with a number of our excellent engineers to perfect the final sound of the products.

Like any product the Twenty5 series are built to a price. Were you able to solve any problems with the active crossover and amplifiers? I'm thinking of cabinet issues for example.

Typically there are no significant cabinet issues in any of our designs, no matter how large and expensive, right down the least costly in the range, they are all well braced cabinet construction from optimised materials and all with our trademark ATL labyrinth inside, Which inherently brings additional bracing panels to a design.
The active crossovers definitely allowed us to refine some elements of the low frequency sound reproduction, but also, due to the added crossover accuracy, allowed us to improve the mid and high end to, if you back to back compare with the passive version.

How big a part does listening have on the development of new products? Do you ever use other brands in comparison?

The PMC mantra is; Design, simulate, listen, measure – repeat!
Every change is listened to, to the extent that at the end of a hard days development, we’ve heard the same track 200 times and the ears feel tired!
We absolutely benchmark ourselves against a number of reference points – from previous and current PMC designs, to a variety from competitor offerings. It’s key to be aware of what everyone else is producing, looking outwardly as well as inwardly.

The active modules you used; were they unique for this product or did you repurpose and develop other designs you had within the PMC family?

The circuit topology is very similar to that of our result6 professional product, whilst the amplifier and power supply modules are derived from our other active professional products of studio grade pedigree.

Loudspeaker design has evolved but never seems to make a quantum leap. I'm thinking in terms of conventional drive units and box cabinets. Why is that? Do you feel that you're close to hitting the limit of what can be done with a wooden box featuring drive units that move air in the conventional fashion?

I feel that we were close to the upper limit of what could be achieved back in the early 90’s, all things considered with the way we typically reproduce sound. There are still some significant steps to come, especially from PMC over the next few years, and then we are looking to the long term future and investing in R&D to find that big leap in audio reproduction technology.

What do you envisage might come in the future?

Very small, incredibly efficient transducers

This is exciting, especially considering the space limitations that face many listeners. What else excites you as a designer and what would your dream project be?

True R&D. Creating designs which are unique, innovative and pioneering with new aspects of performance or design features not used previously.

In the world of audio what other brands do you respect and find interesting from a design point of view? Are there any that you would love to have worked on?

I love the technical prowess of BOSE, I get the feeling everyone there is passionate about all aspects of audio technology and bringing high quality to the masses. They have over 4000 patents!
I am impressed at the brand image of Sennheiser, leading with trust and integrity.
I really respect the creativity and beautiful designs that have come out of B&O for the last many decades. I would have loved to be involved in something like the Beocenter, which is such a complete all-rounder product and beautiful piece of industrial design.

What equipment do you use at home?

I have mixture of PMC ci speakers in the house and fact8’s as my main lounge stereo. I power them with a Cor amplifier. Amongst a variety of musical sources are my Direct Drive turntables, for DJing

We'd like to thank Oliver for his time, his insight and his answers.

Discover more about PMC here.

We are hosting a PMC Active Twenty5 launch at our store on Friday the 21st of June from 12.00 till 5.00. PMC will be joining us and you're welcome to attend and discover and hear more. Everybody welcome and the event does not require a ticket. Light refreshments provided.


Rega launch the first of a new range of MM Cartridges

Nd3 will replace the Elys and sell for £175. It's now on demo and you can see more info here.

Replacing the multi award winning Elys 2, the all new Nd3 moving magnet cartridge was developed over 10 years and promises to deliver ‘next level’ performance from moving magnet technology. The Nd range (patent pending) we believe is a world first MM to use ultra-high powered Neodymium magnets which allow us to create this totally unique design.

Nd3 new

The all new Nd3 moving magnet cartridge was developed over 10 years and promises to deliver ‘next level’ performance from moving magnet technology. The Nd range(patent pending) we believe is a world first to use ultra-high powered Neodymium magnets which allow us to create this totally unique design.


Advanced Technology

Each Nd3 is meticulously hand-made by our highly skilled technicians. The design uses brand new generator geometry with perfect symmetry to achieve highly accurate channel balance. The Nd3 also has an optimised pole gap for superior linearity and cross talk characteristics. This new cartridge is created with miniaturised parallel coils which are wound in house utilising 38-micron wire with just 1275 turns. This produces a low inductance, low impedance generator giving vastly improved high frequency response. In keeping with our commitment to sustainability, the Nd range is supplied in 100% recyclable packaging.

Key Features

  • Elliptical profile stylus
  • Aluminium cantilever
  • Neodymium magnet
  • Unique generator
  • Rega 3 point mounting system
  • Highly rigid lightweight PPS body
  • Handmade stereo cartridge
  • 100% recyclable packaging
  • Lifetime warranty against manufacture defects

Cyrus offer 40th Year Promotion

Available soon as a finish option on the P3 and at a standard price.

Cyrus Audio 40th Anniversary Bundles are as follows;

Get in touch to discuss how you can benefit from these offers and to have a listen.

Available until the end of June 2024.

Bundle 1

i9-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £1000

Bundle SRP £5990

Bundle Promo Price £4990

Bundle 2

i9-XR + CDt-XR - Saving £1400

Bundle SRP £6390

Bundle Promo Price £4990

Bundle 3

CDi-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £800

Bundle SRP £4790

Bundle Price £3990

Bundle 4

CDt-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £1000

Bundle SRP £5190

Bundle Price £4190

Bundle 5

Pre-XR + Power-XR - Saving £1600

Bundle SRP £7590

Bundle Price £5990

Bundle 6

Power-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £900

Bundle SRP - £5390

Bundle Price - £4490

Bundle 7

i9-XR + Stream-XR - Saving £600

Bundle SRP - £6090

Bundle Price - £5490

Bundle 8

Pre-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £2000

Bundle SRP - £6990

Bundle Price - £4990

Classic Series Bundles

Bundle 9

Classic PRE + Classic POWER - Saving £1000

Bundle SRP - £4990

Bundle Price - £3990

Bundle 10

CDi + PSX-R2 - Saving £500

Bundle SRP - £2590

Bundle Price - £2090

Bundle 11

Classic POWER + PSX-R2 - Saving £500

Bundle SRP - £3390

Bundle Price - £2890

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